It is early evening. Kōfū, who sells liquor at the market in Yōzu, China, waits at the riverbank for a particular person. 森常好 He is waiting for Shōjō, who lives in the sea and comes to Kōfū’s stall to drink. 大槻文蔵 Shōjō is in a merry mood. When he meets Kōfū, he drinks some liquor and starts to dance. 関根祥大 It is a beautiful evening at the Yangtze River inlet. The moon and stars shine brightly. 津村禮次郎 An unusual dance is announced. 大坪十喜雄 The steps are free form and always changing. 長山桂三 Sometimes two Shōjōs dance together. 観世喜之、観世喜正 Full of energetic enjoyment. 坂真次郎、坂真太郎 For his honest heart, Kōfū is given a liquor jar that never runs out, and Shōjō lies down. 香川靖嗣 [ Paused. To restart, please click on the photo. ]
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