An itinerant monk sees the relic of the Buddha that the heavenly deity Skanda regained from the rakshasa demon and is moved to tears. 宝生閑 A villager appears after hearing the itinerant monk chanting a sutra and offers prayers before the Buddha relic. 豊嶋訓三 The villager talks about the splendor of the relic and reveals that he is the rakshasa demon. 前田晴啓 The rakshasa demon steals the relic of the Buddha, kicks apart the ceiling and flies into the empty sky. 馬野正基 Relating the story of the Buddha relic. 野村万作 Skanda appears and chases the rakshasa demon. 種田道一、豊嶋訓三 The rakshasa demon runs around the heavens. 片山峯秀、金剛永謹 The rakshasa demon is cornered by Skanda and falls back down to earth. 馬野正基 Skanda finally catches the rakshasa demon. 佐々木多門、粟谷充雄 [ Paused. To restart, please click on the photo. ]
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